Contact Julie
Please give me a few days to get back to you.
If my response is needed in a TIMELY Manner, then please state that in the Subject Line of your email, or in your Voice Mail, or Text. Thank you!
Call: (919) 889-9505 or Email:
Please Be Aware that sometimes I am at a birth when your email, or call, and I won’t answer emails or return calls until I am rested up from attending the birth. I like to be present for my clients birth, and rested enough to answer all your questions. That can take up to 3-4 days, if you do not here from me within that time frame, please reach out again.
Also keep in mind that sometimes technology fails. You never know when an email will be sorted incorrectly into spam, or text messages say sent but are not received until in range, or a phone breaks or just stops working, etc. It can be helpful to reach out in a different way than previously attempted.
I promise you, I want to hear from you and will always write, text, or call you back even if I am not available for your estimated due time.
Thank you for your patience, and understanding of this unique job.